Play & Learn OT
Play & Learn OT

Welcome to Play & Learn Occupational Therapy

Are you looking for a supportive, personalised approach to help your child thrive?
At Play & Learn Occupational Therapy, we understand the importance of meeting your child where they are and tailoring our approach to fit their unique needs.  

Play & Learn OT

Your Child's Everyday Places

We believe in the power of familiarity and comfort. That's why we come to you, working with your child in their everyday spaces – at home, in school, and in the community. Serving families in the western suburbs of Adelaide, we ensure that the skills and strategies we develop together are practical and fit seamlessly into real life

Play & Learn OT

Child-Led and Play-Based

Play is a child's "job," and through the magic of play, we unlock new possibilities and ignite a passion for participation in your child. When your child is engaged and having fun, learning comes naturally. Our play-based approach fosters joy and curiosity, making each session a delightful adventure.

Play & Learn OT

Family and Child-Centred

You are the expert on your child, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Our sessions are carefully tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and family, ensuring a truly personalised experience. We listen, we adapt, and we work together to help your child succeed.

Play & Learn OT

Collaborative Approach

Collaboration is at the heart of what we do. We work closely with parents, caregivers, and educators to create a cohesive support system for your child. By honouring your child's personality, strengths, and challenges, we build a team dedicated to their growth and happiness. At Play & Learn Occupational Therapy, we're more than just therapists – we're partners in your child's journey. Let's work together to help your child reach their full potential.

For Parents

Play & Learn OT

Wondering how we can support your child's growth and development? Visit our "How We Can Help" page to explore our tailored services and see how we can meet the unique needs of your family. We're here to help your child thrive in their everyday environments.

For Educators

Play & Learn OT

As educators, you play a crucial role in identifying and addressing the needs of your students. Review our comprehensive OT services to learn how we can support your efforts in fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment for all children.

For OT Clinicians

Play & Learn OT

Are you a paediatric OT seeking guidance and support around clinical reasoning and professional development?
Let's work together to enhance the quality of care you provide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we do! We visit children (and their families/support teams) at places such as home, school, kindy and childcare, and our region is loosely based along the coast from between Outer Harbor to Brighton, and eastwards to Woodville. If you are within, or nearby to these areas, feel free to reach out.

As a parent/caregiver, if you are feeling worried about how your child is developing, we would strongly encourage you to seek support, no matter your child's age. Early intervention is certainly beneficial, so the younger the better, however even older children can benefit from therapy support.
For all children, but particularly for very young children, much of the 'therapy' will involve working with parents/caregivers to include therapy strategies into everyday routines to make life easier eg positioning, sensory experiences, connections/relationships, adjusting the tasks, etc

Are you noticing that your child is having difficulty in their everyday activities - personal care, following routines, playing with others, sleep, mealtimes, toileting, etc? Are you worried that your child's skill levels or reactions/behaviours are different to other children their age?
If so, an occupational therapist can work with you to understand what the challenges/skill gaps are, and support understanding and strategies to enable your child to build skills - perhaps related to coordination and body awareness, sensory processing, managing transitions and changes, hand strength and coordination, play and social awareness, attention/concentration, and specific self-care activities such as mealtimes, dressing, bathing, toileting and grooming,